
Thanks For Giving Blood

Thank you all for your outpouring of concern and encouragement. Your support overwhelms me. I’m doing much better today. On another note I met George Foreman last night… or at least I think I did. I was having a pretty rough night and feeling ill. Sometime after midnight I threw off the covers and tried to make it to the bathroom so I wouldn’t be sick on the carpet. On the way I must have met Mr. Foreman. Tina found me on the floor with a large abrasion on my forehead and chin. Somehow I chipped a tooth in the mealie and my jaw feels like it connected with his best right hook. After that he must have stomped on my chest and back. I am sore all over.

She convinced me to go to the ER, where I had another spell like the ones I had giving blood yesterday. A CT scan, EKG, an IV bag of fluids and lots of bloodwork later I pronounced fit as a broken fiddle. The ER staff told me to never give blood again. Murphy’s Law lived up to its rule of never letting a good deed go unpunished.

And on the positive note, I may have met my deductible for the year! We’ll find out how good Verso’s new insurance group is. And there will be no selfies for a while.

Rick Algood
January 27, 2016


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