Murder In Rural Hill

Murder In Rural Hill

I just finished a wonderful book written by fellow Winston native, William McCully. Titled, Murder in Rural Hill, the book is a wonderful read. It reveals the details of the 1910 murder of Janie Sharp in an orderly way that is drawn from factual accounts and newspaper articles from that time period. The Janie Sharp case fascinated me growing up. By the time I was in high school Janie’s murder had become legendary. My sophomore English teacher was enthralled with the case and in prior years had been admonished by the school superintendent to never speak of it again. At that time there were still old wounds and feelings that had not healed with the passage of time. I would recommend anyone who loves Mississippi history, Winston County history and a good story to read McCully’s account of the murder of Janie Sharp and Swinton Permenter, the man accused of killing her. I hope William doesn’t mind me sharing this information. He can give you more details about purchasing this wonderful book, Murder in Rural Hill, than I can. He is on Facebook.

Rick Algood
October 21, 2016


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