
Do Not Be Easily Distracted

The smoke had cleared by the time I took my morning walk. The night before it had been heavy in the air like I’d never seen before. Houses down the street were barely visible, even on a night with a full moon. It was an unusual Fourth of July celebration to say the least.

With all the celebrating and fireworks lighting up the night sky I was optimistic people around me were sharing their hopes that America was uniting for the common good and beginning to move forward together once again.

I’d tried to ignore most of the news that’s been televised. I have refused to read a paper for weeks now. But still, I’ve picked up enough from observing my friends posts to know things truly are not well with the world.

People are digging in and taking sides on whether or not to wear mask. Whether or not to change a flag, the constitution or to relocate statues. Everyone seems to want things their own way.

They have that right. I won’t argue that point. Still, are we really that entitled?

The underlying issue that bothers me is this; we are slowly allowing an unseen power divide us.

Lincoln said that a nation divided cannot stand. Truly, those are words of wisdom. I feel the same can be said for states, communities, - even families.

We must find something that unites us all. That should be our focus. The rest will fall into place.

When asked by folks that were trying to trip Him up what was the greatest commandment, the one I admire most said, “Love God with all your mind, your soul, and your heart. And love your neighbor as yourself.”

I’ve written about this before. You know the drill. You know who your neighbor is. It’s someone that doesn’t live in your home.

I may not care for someone’s opinions or actions, but that doesn’t inhibit me from caring about them as a human. Heck, others may not like what I do or say. I accept that.

Even when He was being killed He cared enough for those killing Him that He asked God to forgive them. He said they had no idea what they were doing.

It’s hard to imagine someone going through what He went through and still having the presence of mind to forgive them.

I don’t like wearing a mask, but I’ll do it for you. I don’t care for change, but I’ll give it whirl for you. It costs me nothing.

If it will help to keep this country united and healthy; physically and emotionally, I will try. For you.

Don’t allow the unseen forces to divide us. Bend don’t break. Love your neighbor as yourself.

If we do this perhaps the smoke will clear as it did the morning after the Fourth of July’s celebration and we will see things more clearly.

May God bless America.

Rick Algood
July 11, 2020


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