
Happy Anniversary ET

I was was among the first here in Paducah to go see Stephen Spielberg’s movie, ET. It was showing at the old Columbia Theater downtown and the line stretched down Broadway and around the corner.

In it’s day it was a blockbuster. Spielberg nailed it with a Sci-fi feel good movie. If my memory serves me correctly my very expectant wife and nearly three year old daughter were with me.

I loved it. Drew Barrymore’ acting career sky rocketed thereafter.

Fast forward a week or so. I am called home from work. The baby was on the way.

I was present for our first child’s birth. I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. A tummy monitor echoed the baby’s heartbeat loud and clear into the room. I held Tina’s hand and nervously supported her as time for the delivery grew closer. She was a trooper. Every once in a while a nurse would come into the room and observe how things were progressing.

Eventually the big moment came. We were moved to the delivery room and things began to happen quickly. Suddenly she had given birth to another beautiful daughter.

I learned that day that every birth is not the same. This time the baby wasn’t making a sound and she was blue.

I froze and panicked. The doctor quickly cut the imbecile cord and carried her over to a nearby table to work with her. He cleared her airway, gave her oxygen, and began patting her. Instantly she began to cry and soon turned pink as our firstborn had done.

I was so, so relieved and overjoyed! Both Tina and baby were doing well.

The baby went one way to the nursery and we went another to recovery. Tina was exhausted and resting while I sat there trying to recover from what I had just witnessed. - The miracle of birth. I had another child. Another daughter. Ten little toes and ten beautiful fingers. Perfect in every way.

I slowly collected my wits about myself and returned to normal. My normal.

I was just sitting there minding my own business when a nurse came in to check on my wife.

As she adjusted the heat lamp and did whatever it was she needed to do she was making small talk with me.

Then she was all smiles and asked, “Well, who do you think the baby looks like?”

I don’t know why, but I said the first thing that came to mind which is never a good thing as far as I’m concerned.


Her beautiful smile was no more. It faded into something from a horror movie.

I don’t believe Tina had heard me, but that nurse certainly had. She ripped me up one side and down the other. I felt fortunate she let me stay in the room.

You would think that I would have learned my lesson that day nearly forty years ago. But no. Every once in a while I will slip up and say whatever is on my mind.

Happy Anniversary, ET.

And Happy Early Birthday, Becky!

Rick Algood
June 12, 2022


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